AI Chat
DookuSense: Use AI to and Chatbots to get real time insights from your CRM, documents or databases.
Ask instead of searching – information and answers without detours
Benefits of the DookuSense solution
Increase flexibility and efficiency of processes
DookuSense enables you to increase the efficiency of information gathering.
- Secure relevant knowledge and make it available within the company instead of storing and searching
- Use natural language to compare and evaluate PDF and Office documents, databases, images (OCR), etc.
- Use of your own language models possible to automate tasks with the necessary expert knowledge
- Easy compliance with GDPR, governance, compliance and information security
- Relieve the burden on specialists through efficient analyses and information gathering
Process up to 100 million words per month
Up to 10 Users
Integration vai OpenAPI
Process up to 500 million words per month
All basic functions
Up to 1000 users
Selection language model
Custom language models on request
For teams with individual requirements
All Pro features
Unlimited number of users
Query databases
Integrate additional data sources
Cloud, hybrid, on-premise
Skilled labor shortage
Skilled labor shortage
Relieve specialists of recurring tasks to counteract the shortage of skilled workers and make everyday work more interesting.
The use of pre-trained language models and fine-tuning with domain and company-specific knowledge secures your competitive advantage, your intellectual property and quick access to relevant information for all authorized persons.
- Create your individual assistants with minimal effort
- Store an unlimited amount of information, questions and answers
- Share knowledge easily inside your company
Integrating your AI models
Integrate MDM Booster
The integration with the MDM Booster enables you to easily link expert systems based on artificial intelligence, clean up data quality problems related to your use cases, and enrich your master data.
- Automate your ticket processing
- Analyze customer inquiries and conversation logs for your CRM system (Next best action)
- Extract features and properties from product manuals, websites, etc.
- Classify error messages, products, etc., automatically
- Create automated solution proposals
Use Cases
Chatbot and AI using enterprise data
Minimize the effort involved in generating job advertisements and analyzing application documents.
Minimize the effort required to analyze sustainability reports when granting loans or evaluating suppliers or generating your own sustainability reports.
Purchasing & Compliance
Minimize the effort required to analyze changes in purchasing conditions, compliance and sustainability requirements, liability, information related to Reach, or the structuring and analysis of product information. DookuSense can also provide optimal support for analyzing and checking compliance with standards and rules.
Minimize the effort required for outgoing and incoming customer communication, analysis of competitive offers or events in the market.
Controlling and Reporting
Obtaining data, analyzing it, and aggregating it using traditional business intelligence solutions can be time-consuming. DookuSense supports you in these tasks by being able to query databases and a variety of other data sources.
Analyzing maintenance reports, machine and logging information or product manuals can be relatively time-consuming. Expert knowledge is often not available ad hoc. DookuSense can provide you with optimal support in these operational tasks.
Next steps
Our offer
Proof of Concept
To determine which use cases will deliver significant economic benefits, we offer a Proof of Concept to our customers at a fixed price.
Potential analysis
In a free consultation, we will analyze together with you the optimization potential for your company and your use cases.
Get in contact
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Would you like to receive further information or are you interested in a personal consultation? Simply send us a short message telling us how we can help you and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Let’s get started.