Workshop Data Science

Set up data warehouse, data mart and BI systems

Our workshop “Building Data Warehouses, Data Mart and BI Systems” is specially tailored to the needs of analysts and DWH developers who are taking their first steps in data warehouse and business intelligence projects. You will acquire the practical know-how to efficiently design, model and successfully develop professional data warehouse systems.

Our training series in the field of data science

Data analysis for decision-makers
For executives and managers in the areas of controlling, finance, marketing and management.
Data science and AI
This workshop is aimed at decision-makers from marketing, sales and IT. You do not need any previous knowledge.
Data warehouse systems
Analysts and DWH developers as beginners in data warehouse, data mart
and BI projects.
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In-depth data warehouse know-how for analysts and developers

In a world where data-based decisions are the key to success, it is becoming increasingly important to organize, analyse and provide data efficiently. The more familiar employees are with the BI tools used, the more effectively they can use them. A well-trained team thus becomes a real competitive advantage for companies.

This workshop is specially designed for analysts and DWH developers who are new to data warehouse and business intelligence projects. We will teach you the basics in an understandable and practical way so that you can enter the world of data warehouses with a clear understanding and initial practical experience.

Discover, understand, implement - experience data science in practice

Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of databases (SQL)
In our workshop, you will receive a sound introduction to the methodology and the most important concepts relating to DWH, data mart and BI systems. On the first day, we will teach you the theoretical basics, while on the second day you will set up a simple DWH system yourself in a practice-oriented setting – using sample or demo data from your company if you wish.

  • Introduction to the terms and DWH concepts
  • Data warehouse architecture: layers, components and characteristics
  • Conceptual and logical modeling as well as semantic models
  • Normalized vs. denormalized data models
  • Multidimensional data models: Snowflake, Star Schema and Data Vault
  • Shared dimensions and their significance
  • Historically correct data storage: Slowly Changing Dimensions and BI-temporal storage

  • Data storage in relational databases (file system, blocksize, extends, tablespaces, highwatermark, new formats)
  • Partitioning and access types: full table scans, indices, hash keys, merge
  • Performance tuning using examples (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2): Bitmap joins, filters, star joins
  • Aggregates: Multigrain and multifact data models
  • In-memory technologies
  • Column-oriented databases
  • Document-oriented databases and NoSQL data storage
  • Analytical queries and cubes
    Best practices for building and optimizing data warehouse systems
  • Open discussion and exchange of best practices
  • Implementation of the workshop content using concrete practical examples
  • Development of a simple data warehouse system
    Optional: Use of sample or demo data from your company


Data warehouse, data mart and BI systems
2495 unique
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of SQL*
  • Presence / Online
  • Appointments can be made at short notice

Practice-oriented and tailored to you

Analysts and DWH developers as starters in data warehouse and business intelligence projects

We design the content individually according to your requirements and respond flexibly to your questions – also using your own sample data. We combine the topic modules to create a training course that is perfectly tailored to your needs.

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